While the profession of teaching, one person imparting their knowledge on another, has remained fundamentally unchanged for a very long time, the digital revolution is bestowing on teachers some very cool new tools to multiply their efforts and maximize their...
Click here for part 2 – Searching and Checking out on Taobao! When I first moved to Shanghai, China to teach ESL, one of the main problems I faced was being able to find the things I needed. Being in a new country and not speaking any Chinese made it difficult...
Written by our friends at The Dragon Trip When in Rome, do as the Romans do. China may be a far cry from the hometown of wine and pizza, but the saying still applies – if you want to make the most out of being in an exciting new environment, make sure you immerse...
New Academic Year, New school, New life! You came to China to teach ESL, with so much hope, and thoughts of immersing yourself in the culture, learning a new language, traveling all over Asia on your vacation time, making friends from around the world, paying...
Buy Beer in a bag. In many parts of China, you can buy beer by the kilogram. You walk to the store, take a plastic bag off of the beer tap, pour the beer in the plastic bag, weigh the bag and pay accordingly. Then you head down to neighborhoods that are Centuries old,...